Armoise Oil HEADER

Armoise Oil

Artemisia Herba-Alba

Latest Market Information on Armoise Oil

Aug 28th, 2024

This year marked the third consecutive drought in Morocco. The spring crop has recently finished, but availability of “high thujone” material is limited. Autumn crop will only continue is Morocco receives good rainfall over the coming weeks.

Description of Armoise Oil

Steam-distilled from the leaves and twigs of the Artemisia Vulgaris shrub, Armoise Oil has powerful fresh and green odor. Its aroma is slightly sweet and herbaceous, with a cooling effect most comparable to certain mint varieties. In fragrance, it is commonly used alongside other green ingredients such as Rosemary and Sage for its powerful freshening effects, making it a natural inclusion in herbal soaps, lotions, and perfumes. Its masculine, somewhat woody nuance also makes the oil especially popular among certain colognes and “Oriental” style fine fragrances.





Principle Constituents

Alpha Thujone

Refractive Index

1.4520 - 1.4610 @ 20C

Specific Gravity

0.9100 - 0.9320 @ 25C



map map-marker


Amber Liquid

Part of Plant


Extraction Method


All scientific, regulatory and technical data is a guide for product identification purposes only. Only Berjé authorized documentation is to be used for validation and confirmation. These documents can be provided upon request.

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Armoise Oil