Galanga Root Oil
Description of Galanga Root Oil
Sometimes referred to as “Galanga Oil” or “False Ginger Oil,” Galangal Root oil is steam-distilled from the rhizomes of the Alpinia officinarum plant. Native to the Chinese island of Hainan, galangal root has since expanded into many territories throughout Indonesia, as well as the South China Sea. Galangal Root oil has a fresh and camphoraceous aroma, with spicy and woody tenacity often compared to laurel, cardamom, and ginger. However, unlike those oils, galangal root retains a unique cineole-like topnote, with a flavor that is warm, spicy, and slightly bitter. In flavor, Galangal Root oil is used in small amounts to modify other spicy oils such as ginger, nutmeg, and cardamom. The oil can also act as a stand-in for the more common flavor components found in root beer, ginger ale, and other soft drinks.
Refractive Index
1.4700 - 1.4980 @ 20C
Specific Gravity
0.8700 - 0.9070 @ 25C
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