
Welcome to Berjé Online; a tool designed to share our insight on a global range of products. Our market reports are stocked with regular updates on growing regions, crop calendars, and long-term price trends of the most critical ingredients in flavor and fragrance commerce.

Berjé Barometer – European Drought & Waterways

Feature Article
18th August 2022

The Rhine River is one of the largest and most important waterways in Europe. It flows from the Alps to the North Sea Basin, stretching over 766 miles and passing through numerous major cities including Cologne, Rotterdam, and Düsseldorf. Its waters feed countless agricultural operations, […]

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Berjé Barometer – Historic California Drought

Feature Article
29th July 2022

After enduring over 9 months of intensified drought, California continues to suffer beneath the weight of its extraordinarily dry conditions. Over 97% of the state is currently experiencing “severe” drought status, with a further 60% in the “extreme” status. At least 12% of the state […]

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Global Citrus Forecast for 2022

Feature Article
18th July 2022

The U.S. Department of Agriculture released its final citrus forecast of the 2021/2022 growing season on Tuesday, July 12th.  In Florida, orange production and grapefruit production are both expected to rise by 1% when compared to previous estimations. This places orange production at 40.95 million […]

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EU Requires Cold Treatment for Citrus Imports

Feature Article
14th July 2022

According to new EU legislation published in the Official Journal on June 21, 2022, Mandatory Cold Treatment will be required for all citrus fruits imported from non-EU countries starting July 14th. This cold treatment process requires temperatures of 0°C to -1°C to be sustained for […]

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Berjé Barometer – Indonesian “Dry” Season

Feature Article
11th May 2022

A recent report by the Indonesian Weather Agency indicated that the nation’s dry season is likely to start later than usual in most areas. The primary cause of these weather conditions are after-effects leftover from La Niña. Conditions for May, June, and July are looking […]

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Berjé Barometer – 2022 Hurricane Season

Feature Article
27th April 2022

The 2022 hurricane season is shaping up to be above-average, with Colorado State University scientists predicting at least 19 named storms and nine hurricanes. Of these storms, it’s estimated that at least four will be Category 3 hurricanes or higher, all of which will have […]

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Sri Lanka Crisis

Feature Article
5th April 2022

The indigenous plants, botanicals, and people of Sri Lanka have all been near and dear to Berjé for decades. Since the dawn of perfumery, the nation of Sri Lanka has existed as an irreplaceable component of our industry, responsible for growing and developing countless materials […]

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Shrinking European Mandarin Production

Feature Article
16th March 2022

The previous decade has been quite difficult for European mandarin growers. As of March 11th, 2022, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service has reported a decline of 7.5% in Europe’s mandarin production for the 2021/2022 season, which is nearly unprecedented for a single […]

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Berjé Barometer – Indonesian Rainfall

Feature Article
8th March 2022

March is a critical time of year for Indonesia, as it is often the height of the rainy season. In normal years, the region experiences an average of 26 days of rain during March, accumulating around 144mm (5.6 inches) of precipitation. The 2022 season appears […]

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Berjé Barometer – Florida Freeze

Feature Article
2nd February 2022

South-Central Florida experienced a bout of extremely cold weather during the last few days of January, resulting in frost and icing throughout many Floridian orange groves. In the immediate aftermath of this event, farmers initially reported that the damage to their groves was minimal. However, […]

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The Dry Side of La Niña

Feature Article
10th January 2022

The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) recently warned that Mexico is likely to experience a drought during the early months of 2022. This is a result of La Niña, which reduces cloud cover and causes moisture evaporation in many regions of Mexico and the […]

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Berjé Barometer – California Drought & Recovery

Feature Article
4th January 2022

California has become somewhat notorious for its elongated periods of drought; the state seems to be in a constant flux of crisis management and subsequent recovery. However, a new map from the Federal U.S. Drought Monitor released on Thursday, December 30th, revealed that some relief […]

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Orange Harvest Forecasts

Feature Article
14th December 2021

The USDA Agricultural Statistics Board recently released its 2021-2022 Florida orange forecast for all varieties. The total is currently estimated at 46 million boxes, which is 1 million boxes lower than the previous estimate from October. If this number holds firm, it represents a 13% […]

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Berjé Barometer – Brazil’s 2021 Drought

Feature Article
2nd December 2021

Brazil is currently experiencing its worst drought in over 91 years, with low precipitation and shrinking ground water causing issues for agricultural exports.

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Brazilian Orange Juice Production

Feature Article
16th November 2021

According to a recent Mintec Benchmark, the price of Brazilian orange juice rose by 30% during the month of September, eventually stabilizing in October at a price point 35% higher than the previous year. This price increase is generally attributed to the lack of available […]

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Berjé Barometer – The Italian ‘Medicane’

Feature Article
29th October 2021

Southern Italy recently experienced an incredibly dangerous weather phenomenon known as a ‘Medicane,’ which short for Mediterranean Hurricane. Strong winds and extreme rains ripped through much of Sicily on Tuesday, flooding homes and damaging roads. CNN estimates that the cyclone dumped nearly half the island’s […]

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Navigating the Landscape of Supply & Labor Shortages

Feature Article
22nd October 2021

As many of you already know, labor shortages continue to impact every facet of global manufacturing, our industry included, from trucking and freight logistics down to the production of shipping labels. Upwards of 70 container ships still float off the coast of California, truck driver […]

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Berjé Barometer – The Return of La Niña

Feature Article
20th October 2021

The NOAA recently reported that prime conditions for La Niña have materialized in the atmosphere, indicating that the weather pattern will occur again this upcoming winter. Weather models currently predict a dry winter for the southern US and a wet, cold winter for the northern […]

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Berjé Barometer – Super Typhoon Chanthu

Feature Article
27th September 2021

On September 19th, Super Typhoon Chanthu swept its way across East Asia, barreling past two of China’s busiest ports. This event caused ports to suspend their operations for 2 days in several terminals, including terminals within the Port of Shanghai. Shanghai is the world’s busiest […]

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Domestic Cedarwood Update

Feature Article
23rd September 2021

The US cedarwood market continues to remain a challenge for producers due to a variety of factors: labor, weather, and increasing consumption trends. Cedarwood oil is derived from two main sources: Juniperus virginiana (Virginia Cedarwood) and Juniperus mexicana (Texas Cedarwood). Both species grow abundantly throughout […]

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