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Full Market History

Aug 28th, 2024

As a clove derivative, availability of this product remains limited. Prices are firm and many suppliers are struggling to secure new inventory. There have been multiple quality issues with this product in global markets, leading to additional shortages in supply.

Excessive heat during Q1 and Q2 of 2024 has reduced the crop by at least 40% this year. Crop was delayed two months; prices are firm, and availability remains limited.

The crop was reduced by more than 40% when compared to last year. The 2024 crop has just finished, but availability at source is limited. Prices for this material remain firm.

Raw material availability at-source is limited, and prices are firm.

This year marked the third consecutive drought in Morocco. The spring crop has recently finished, but availability of “high thujone” material is limited. Autumn crop will only continue is Morocco receives good rainfall over the coming weeks.

The basil crop has been quite poor in Vietnam over the last three years, reducing availability and increasing prices at-source.

Availability is stable at the moment. Production in Dominica has not been impacted by recent storms.

Global prices remain firm and raw material availability is limited.

This year, the caraway crop was standard, but demand for new material has increased. As a result, availability is limited, and prices are firm.

The most recent crop has ended, and production remains limited. Prices are firming.

Aug 13th, 2024

The antidumping case against Chinese manufacturers of vanillin and ethyl vanillin has continued to make its way through the legal system. Retroactive tariffs are a possibility in this market if imports of vanillin and ethyl vanillin increase by more than 15% during the July/August timeframe.

The antidumping case against Chinese manufacturers of vanillin and ethyl vanillin has continued to make its way through the legal system. Retroactive tariffs are a possibility in this market if imports of vanillin and ethyl vanillin increase by more than 15% during the July/August timeframe.

Prices for this material have rapidly increased in recent weeks as manufacturers struggle to keep up with recent supply issues.

One of the largest manufacturers of Iso E in India has reported issues keeping up with global demand. This will likely place further strain on an already-depleted market.

The market for lime terpenes has firmed as demand for lime products out of Mexico and Peru has increased in recent weeks.

The cedarleaf crop in Canada has another 6-8 weeks of processing left in the season until production is ended and facilities shut down for the winter.

Aug 09th, 2024

Prices are stable.

Prices for Indian material have increased, it is currently the off-season for this crop.

Prices for Indian material have increased, it is currently the off-season for this crop.

Prices for palmarosa have increased due to a short crop this year.

Prices for Indian material have increased, it is currently the off-season for this crop.

Prices for peppermint have increased due to a short crop this year.

Availability of lemongrass has decreased due to heavy rains in key producing regions.

Prices have risen by upwards of 15% over the last 2-3 weeks.

Prices have risen by upwards of 15% over the last 2-3 weeks.

Prices are stable.

Prices for Indian material have increased, it is currently the off-season for this crop.

Production of geranium has increased in India, though prices have also moved up due to global competition from other origins.

Prices are stable.

Prices are stable.

Prices are stable.

Aug 07th, 2024

As a result of a recent factory fire that occurred in a BASF plant in Germany, BASF has declared Force Majeure on deliveries of a wide range of products, including aroma ingredients such as ionones. The incident caused damage to the plant, which resulted in a shutdown and subsequent supply disruption of many BASF products. This has significant implications for the wider flavor and fragrance market, though the full impact has yet to be felt. 

As a result of a recent factory fire that occurred in a BASF plant in Germany, BASF has declared Force Majeure on deliveries of a wide range of products, including aroma ingredients such as ionones. The incident caused damage to the plant, which resulted in a shutdown and subsequent supply disruption of many BASF products. This has significant implications for the wider flavor and fragrance market, though the full impact has yet to be felt.

As a result of a recent factory fire that occurred in a BASF plant in Germany, BASF has declared Force Majeure on deliveries of a wide range of products, including aroma ingredients such as ionones. The incident caused damage to the plant, which resulted in a shutdown and subsequent supply disruption of many BASF products. This has significant implications for the wider flavor and fragrance market, though the full impact has yet to be felt.

As a result of a recent factory fire that occurred in a BASF plant in Germany, BASF has declared Force Majeure on deliveries of a wide range of products, including aroma ingredients such as ionones. The incident caused damage to the plant, which resulted in a shutdown and subsequent supply disruption of many BASF products. This has significant implications for the wider flavor and fragrance market, though the full impact has yet to be felt.

As a result of a recent factory fire that occurred in a BASF plant in Germany, BASF has declared Force Majeure on deliveries of a wide range of products, including aroma ingredients such as ionones. The incident caused damage to the plant, which resulted in a shutdown and subsequent supply disruption of many BASF products. This has significant implications for the wider flavor and fragrance market, though the full impact has yet to be felt.

As a result of a recent factory fire that occurred in a BASF plant in Germany, BASF has declared Force Majeure on deliveries of a wide range of products, including aroma ingredients such as ionones. The incident caused damage to the plant, which resulted in a shutdown and subsequent supply disruption of many BASF products. This has significant implications for the wider flavor and fragrance market, though the full impact has yet to be felt.

As a result of a recent factory fire that occurred in a BASF plant in Germany, BASF has declared Force Majeure on deliveries of a wide range of products, including aroma ingredients such as ionones. The incident caused damage to the plant, which resulted in a shutdown and subsequent supply disruption of many BASF products. This has significant implications for the wider flavor and fragrance market, though the full impact has yet to be felt.

Jul 25th, 2024

Many of the aroma chemicals commonly imported from India and China have experienced widespread delays to their production and shipping in recent months. Producers are struggling to ship new material and availability of these products remains low.

The market for lime oil remains challenging.

Market prices for orange terpenes have continued to rise in recent weeks.

Many of the aroma chemicals commonly imported from India and China have experienced widespread delays to their production and shipping in recent months. Producers are struggling to ship new material and availability of these products remains low.

Production of cinnamon leaf oil typically begins in June, though heavy rainfall in Sri Lanka has delayed the distillation process this year. As of last week, rains in cultivation regions have subsided, and producers have reported that production will begin immediately. One of the largest concerns for the cinnamon leaf oil market at this point is shipping delays – many producers have reported delays upwards of 3+ weeks in securing new shipping vessels.

Many of the aroma chemicals commonly imported from India and China have experienced widespread delays to their production and shipping in recent months. Producers are struggling to ship new material and availability of these products remains low.

Jul 17th, 2024

Prices for new citronella oil from all sourcing locations remains similar and firm.

Prices for new citronella oil from all sourcing locations remains similar and firm.

Prices for patchouli continue to firm, and supply is very limited.

Prices for patchouli continue to firm, and supply is very limited.

Prices for patchouli continue to firm, and supply is very limited.

Prices for Indonesian nutmeg oil are firm, and availability is limited. The cost of freight in producing regions continues to rise, with new prices similar to the levels experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Production of cinnamon leaf oil has been delayed due to heavy rainfall at source. Cinnamon leaves must be completely dried before the distillation process can begin, as wet material lowers overall yields during production. Prices for new cinnamon leaf oil are firm and availability is extremely limited.

Distillation of lavender and lavandin is ongoing in France, with some farmers reporting lower yields when compared to last year’s season. Large volumes of carryover material from the past two lavender seasons will compensate for recent losses in productivity. However, the continued loss of lavender production areas in the southeast of France does not seem promising for future harvests.

Distillation of lavender and lavandin is ongoing in France, with some farmers reporting lower yields when compared to last year’s season. Large volumes of carryover material from the past two lavender seasons will compensate for recent losses in productivity. However, the continued loss of lavender production areas in the southeast of France does not seem promising for future harvests.

Due to the excessive heat experienced throughout Europe in recent weeks, the lavender harvest in Bulgaria has been expedited. Distillation at Berjé Trakia has concluded, and we expect new pricing information to arrive shortly.

Prices for new citronella oil from all sourcing locations remains similar and firm.

Many of the aroma chemicals commonly imported from India and China have experienced widespread delays to their production and shipping in recent months. Producers are struggling to ship new material and availability of these products remains low.

The styrax crop has been delayed until the end of August to mid-September. There is currently no availability for new material, and prices are expected to be much higher once new material enters the market later this year.

The season for Moroccan rosemary oil is currently underway.

The season for Tunisian rosemary oil is currently underway.

Prices for orange oil have the potential to slightly soften over the next few months as the market for orange terpenes continues to rise.

Jul 16th, 2024

The season for jasmine grandiflorum in India was delayed by 3-4 weeks this year, mainly due to disruptive climate conditions that occurred from January to April 2024. Rainfall was nonexistent during this period, and temperatures increased significantly at-source. As a result, many farmers were unable to maintain their jasmine fields at the same rate as previous years, with common practices such as the application of fertilizer being delayed well into the season. Rainfall has since normalized in India, though overall flower productivity has declined by approximately 15% this year due to the delays. Moving forward, prices for jasmine grandiflorum have the potential to increase as a result of this decline in productivity, as well as the increasing wages for laborers across all jasmine cultivation regions.

Jul 12th, 2024

Recent disruptions to the production of gum turpentine in China have the potential to cause market instability for many of its derivatives. Gum turpentine is a vital precursor of aroma chemicals such as alpha and beta pinene, terpineol, terpinyl acetate, and many more.

Jul 11th, 2024

Material shipped out of India is experiencing numerous delays and many chemical manufacturers have experienced issues with transportation, regardless of their size or industry. Some of these delays have been cause by localized issues such as factory fires, infrastructure damage from flooding, and limited workforce availability due to extreme heat.

Material shipped out of India is experiencing numerous delays and many chemical manufacturers have experienced issues with transportation, regardless of their size or industry. Some of these delays have been cause by localized issues such as factory fires, infrastructure damage from flooding, and limited workforce availability due to extreme heat.

Material shipped out of India is experiencing numerous delays and many chemical manufacturers have experienced issues with transportation, regardless of their size or industry. Some of these delays have been cause by localized issues such as factory fires, infrastructure damage from flooding, and limited workforce availability due to extreme heat.

Jul 09th, 2024

There are widespread shipping delays for amyris material exported from the Dominican Republic, resulting in increased lead times for this product.

Availability of cardamom oil from Guatemala is extremely low and prices are expected to rise as a result of recent supply shortages. Relief is not expected until the new crop.

Prices for orange terpenes has rapidly increased in recent months, as citrus producers in Brazil continue to struggle with issues at source. Prices for orange oil and orange terpenes were once closely intertwined, though their paths diverged significantly in 2020. After years of stagnation, orange terpene prices are now rising at unprecedented rate.

Jul 01st, 2024

A large chemical manufacturer in India is scheduled to reopen in mid-July, which should increase availability of this material over the coming months.

A large chemical manufacturer in India is scheduled to reopen in mid-July, which should increase availability of this material over the coming months.

A large chemical manufacturer in India is scheduled to reopen in mid-July, which should increase availability of this material over the coming months.

A large chemical manufacturer in India is scheduled to reopen in mid-July, which should increase availability of this material over the coming months.

Jun 28th, 2024

Prices for vanillin and ethyl vanillin are expected to increase due to tariffs recently proposed by US and EU organizations against Chinese chemical manufacturers. If these tariffs are approved, it could mean additional import fees of more than 500% on certain goods, including vanillin and ethyl vanillin. As a result, we expect the market for these products to be exceptionally tight until a decision on these tariffs is reached.

Prices for vanillin and ethyl vanillin are expected to increase due to tariffs recently proposed by US and EU organizations against Chinese chemical manufacturers. If these tariffs are approved, it could mean additional import fees of more than 500% on certain goods, including vanillin and ethyl vanillin. As a result, we expect the market for these products to be exceptionally tight until a decision on these tariffs is reached.

Jun 18th, 2024

Frequent shipping disruptions near India and the Red Sea have led to global price increases for Cinnamic Aldehyde.

New material is finally entering the market for Vetiver Oil Haiti as the country continues to reopen its international shipping infrastructure.

New material is finally entering the market for Vetiver Oil Haiti as the country continues to reopen its international shipping infrastructure.

Prices for Amyris Oil have risen in recent weeks due to a widespread lack of availability. Amyris Oil undergoes an intensive and time-consuming redistillation process before it can be used commercially, and many amyris producers are struggling to keep pace with global demand.

Prices for Vanillin and Ethyl Vanillin have risen in response to proposed tariffs against Chinese material imported into the EU. If these new tariffs are approved, they have the potential to greatly disrupt the global vanillin and ethyl vanillin industries.

Prices for Vanillin and Ethyl Vanillin have risen in response to proposed tariffs against Chinese material imported into the EU. If these new tariffs are approved, they have the potential to greatly disrupt the global vanillin and ethyl vanillin industries.

Jun 13th, 2024

The rose harvest in Bulgaria has ended. Despite the extremely early start to the rose season, flower productivity in Bulgaria seemed to be quite strong in 2024, with yields per hectare improving year-over-year. Many farmers have made renewed efforts to improve their fields and the weather remained fair for flower production within Rose Valley during this year’s longer than average season. A future concern regarding Rose Oil production in Bulgaria is labor – there are an estimated 25,000 rose pickers currently operating within Bulgaria, which is a 50% decline compared to the 50,000 pickers expected during an optimal season. There are many reasons behind the recent lack of workers including inflation rates, competition from other crops, and increasing overhead costs related to rose production. Despite these issues, our team at Berjé Trakia remain confident that recent improvements to our supply chain in Bulgaria will result in long-term benefits for sustainable Rose Oil.

As of 2024, new government programs in Turkey were instituted to guarantee higher payments for all rose growers and rose pickers. This has significantly increased the cost of Turkish rose products, and new prices for Rose Oil Turkish are approximately 30% higher than previous seasons. It remains to be seen whether these skyrocketing prices are a knee-jerk reaction to higher costs at-source, or if this represents a broader upward shift in the rose market.

Jun 04th, 2024

Infrastructure within Haiti can finally support new exports of Vetiver Oil. Berjé expects new supply to enter the market over the coming months.

Infrastructure within Haiti can finally support new exports of Vetiver Oil. Berjé expects new supply to enter the market over the coming months.

May 28th, 2024

Our partners in Haiti are optimistic that the nation’s airports will re-open soon. This will allow new Vetiver Oil stocks to arrive over the coming months, though supply will likely be limited due to various factors at-source.

Our partners in Haiti are optimistic that the nation’s airports will re-open soon. This will allow new Vetiver Oil stocks to arrive over the coming months, though supply will likely be limited due to various factors at-source.

Prices for Citronella Oil have risen in recent weeks.

May 24th, 2024

The Argentina lemon season is currently underway, with total harvest figures estimated at around 1.65 million metric tons. Due to extreme weather and heat waves within the region, production estimates were lowered from their previous forecast of 1.77 million metric tons. There is also a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the current geopolitical situation within Argentina, as exporters of lemon are facing new restrictions on currency exchange rates (USD) amidst a shifting economic model.

Orange growers in Brazil estimate a 24.36% reduction in productivity when compared to the previous orange season. This decline in productivity is attributed to less rainfall, higher temperatures, and the continued threat of citrus greening within key producing regions. Recent blooms have also occurred during the rainy season of São Paulo, causing blossom-to-end-rot and increasing fruit droppage rates. These issues, combined with an overall lack of availability from alternate sourcing locations, has caused issues for price stability within the global orange market.

Mexico is estimated to produce approximately 5 million metric tons of orange fruit in the 2023/2024 season, which is a sizeable increase compared to previous seasons. This boost in productivity comes at a crucial time in the global orange market, as Brazil’s productivity has been hit hard by a confluence of weather and citrus greening issues. Weather plays a key role within the Mexican orange market – the upcoming Atlantic Hurricane Season will determine the long-term stability of recent orange production improvements, as strong storms have the potential to uproot trees and destroy infrastructure.

Peru produces approximately 400,000 MT of limes each year, with around 50% of this production allocated for use within its domestic market. The current crop season is expended to conclude over the next few weeks, with the next season scheduled to begin sometime in early December. It is currently too early to determine the productivity of the December season, though weather plays a key role in the success or failure of Peruvian lime harvests. With demand for Lime Oil increasing around the world, Peru is facing increasing pressure to ramp up its lime production. This pressure is further amplified by the recent lime season in Mexico, which allocates the vast majority of its lime production to the fresh market, leaving very little material for processing.

Mexico produces an average of 5 million tons of limes each year, though only around 10% of that production goes towards processing. High prices for fresh fruit and consistent increases in consumer demand for lime products have caused a sharp increase in the cost of lime oil. Availability remains low, especially during the summer season, when tourism in Mexico generates a massive influx in the number of fresh lime consumers within the nation.

Mexico produces an average of 5 million tons of limes each year, though only around 10% of that production goes towards processing. High prices for fresh fruit and consistent increases in consumer demand for lime products have caused a sharp increase in the cost of lime oil. Availability remains low, especially during the summer season, when tourism in Mexico generates a massive influx in the number of fresh lime consumers within the nation.

The USDA grapefruit forecast published on May 10 indicated a total harvest of 1.8 million boxes for the USA. Of this total, around 1.55 million boxes were allocated to red grapefruit, with the remaining 250,000 allocated for white. This represents a 10% decline from previous forecasts, and a year-over-year decline for grapefruit productivity in general. Mexico produces an additional 480,000 tons of grapefruit each year, though the vast majority of their production goes into the fresh market. Grapefruit production in both regions has suffered significantly from citrus greening, which is a disease that affects a wide range of citrus trees, though it spreads fastest in low-acidity citrus such as orange and grapefruit.

The USDA grapefruit forecast published on May 10 indicated a total harvest of 1.8 million boxes for the USA. Of this total, around 1.55 million boxes were allocated to red grapefruit, with the remaining 250,000 allocated for white. This represents a 10% decline from previous forecasts, and a year-over-year decline for grapefruit productivity in general. Mexico produces an additional 480,000 tons of grapefruit each year, though the vast majority of their production goes into the fresh market. Grapefruit production in both regions has suffered significantly from citrus greening, which is a disease that affects a wide range of citrus trees, though it spreads fastest in low-acidity citrus such as orange and grapefruit.

The USDA grapefruit forecast published on May 10 indicated a total harvest of 1.8 million boxes for the USA. Of this total, around 1.55 million boxes were allocated to red grapefruit, with the remaining 250,000 allocated for white. This represents a 10% decline from previous forecasts, and a year-over-year decline for grapefruit productivity in general. Mexico produces an additional 480,000 tons of grapefruit each year, though the vast majority of their production goes into the fresh market. Grapefruit production in both regions has suffered significantly from citrus greening, which is a disease that affects a wide range of citrus trees, though it spreads fastest in low-acidity citrus such as orange and grapefruit.

Mexico is the main producer of Tangerine Oil Dancy, with key producers located in Puebla, Veracruz, and Nuevo Leon. It is currently too early to accurately predict the nation’s tangerine production for the upcoming season, though weather will play a key role within this market. The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season is expected to be much more intense than usual, which can negatively impact tangerine production is storms are too severe. In contrast, the main issue for tangerine productivity in 2023 was drought – Mexico experienced a 30% decline in tangerine production due to widespread droughts throughout its key producing regions.

Mexico produces an average of 5 million tons of limes each year, though only around 10% of that production goes towards processing. High prices for fresh fruit and consistent increases in consumer demand for lime products have caused a sharp increase in the cost of lime oil. Availability remains low, especially during the summer season, when tourism in Mexico generates a massive influx in the number of fresh lime consumers within the nation.

May 30th, 2023

Harvests in Peru were delayed due to continuous rainfall washing the balsam from trees. Local harvesters are now reporting a crop that is approximately 50% shorter than last year.

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