Lime Oil Distilled Peru HEADER

Lime Oil Distilled Peru

Full Market History

Jul 25th, 2024

The market for lime oil remains challenging.

May 24th, 2024

Peru produces approximately 400,000 MT of limes each year, with around 50% of this production allocated for use within its domestic market. The current crop season is expended to conclude over the next few weeks, with the next season scheduled to begin sometime in early December. It is currently too early to determine the productivity of the December season, though weather plays a key role in the success or failure of Peruvian lime harvests. With demand for Lime Oil increasing around the world, Peru is facing increasing pressure to ramp up its lime production. This pressure is further amplified by the recent lime season in Mexico, which allocates the vast majority of its lime production to the fresh market, leaving very little material for processing.

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