Angelica Seed Oil
Description of Angelica Seed Oil
Angelica Seed Oil is steam-distilled from the seeds of the Angelica archangelica herb, also known as “wild celery.” The aroma of this material is strong and fresh, with a light and distinctive peppery note that can seem somewhat harsh and terpenic when smelled neat. As time goes on, this aroma shifts into sweet and anise-like undertones which are immensely appealing. Angelica Seed Oil lacks the strong earthy and woody qualities of Angelica Root Oil, though it presents a very unique peppery freshness not found in the root. This aroma pairs well with citrus, lavender, and patchouli.
Principle Constituents
Beta Phellandrene
Refractive Index
1.4800 - 1.4880 @ 20C
Specific Gravity
0.8530 - 0.8760 @ 25C
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