Geranium Oil Madagascar (Bourbon Type) HEADER

Geranium Oil Madagascar (Bourbon Type)

307307307307307307280253226226226226226226226226Q2 20Q3 20Q4 20Q1 21Q2-21Q3-21Q4-21Q1-22Q2-22Q3-22Q4-22Q1-23Q2-23Q3-23Q4-23Q1-240100200300$USD/ kg. Geranium Oil Madagascar (Bourbon Type)

Description of Geranium Oil Madagascar (Bourbon Type)

Geranium Oil Bourbon, also known as Geranium Oil Madagascar or Geranium Oil “Réunion,” is steam-distilled from the leaves and branches of the Pelargonium graveolens shrub, which is native to southern Africa. Bourbon geranium oil is often considered one of the most historically significant varieties of geranium, as it is only produced within small communities throughout Madagascar and requires hundreds of hours of collection and treatment efforts to produce a single kilo of essential oil. The aroma of geranium oil bourbon is both powerful and unique – green, sweet, and rose-like notes are paired with fruity and minty undertones, creating an immensely appealing and long-lasting aroma that enjoys widespread popularity within fragrance use. In flavor, geranium oil bourbon can add a herbaceous twist to rich and sweet flavor profiles such as mint, vanilla, and cloves.



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Geranium Oil Madagascar (Bourbon Type)

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