Grapefruit Oil Distilled HEADER

Grapefruit Oil Distilled

Citrus paradisi

Latest Market Information on Grapefruit Oil Distilled

May 24th, 2024

The USDA grapefruit forecast published on May 10 indicated a total harvest of 1.8 million boxes for the USA. Of this total, around 1.55 million boxes were allocated to red grapefruit, with the remaining 250,000 allocated for white. This represents a 10% decline from previous forecasts, and a year-over-year decline for grapefruit productivity in general. Mexico produces an additional 480,000 tons of grapefruit each year, though the vast majority of their production goes into the fresh market. Grapefruit production in both regions has suffered significantly from citrus greening, which is a disease that affects a wide range of citrus trees, though it spreads fastest in low-acidity citrus such as orange and grapefruit.

Description of Grapefruit Oil Distilled

Grapefruit Oil Distilled is steam-distilled from the crushed peels and residues of the Citrus x paradisi fruit. Similar to its cold-pressed counterpart, this oil has a refreshingly sweet and citrusy aroma reminiscent of fresh grapefruit peels – an aroma often compared to a combination of sweet orange and bitter orange. Grapefruit Oil Distilled works well in fruity fragrances, especially when used alongside other citrus ingredients such as bergamot. Though it somewhat lacks the tenacity of more traditional cold-pressed grapefruit oils, the distilled material works excellently as an efficient, cost-effective solution to adding fruity and citrusy notes in a wide range of flavors and fragrances.






United States

map map-marker

Part of Plant


Extraction Method

Cold Expression

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Grapefruit Oil Distilled

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