Ho Leaf Oil HEADER

Ho Leaf Oil

Cinnamomum camphora (l.) j. presl

Description of Ho Leaf Oil

Harvested and steam-distilled alongside the fragrant wood of the Cinnamomum Camphora plant, Ho Leaf oil has a sweet and floral aroma that is often compared to a mixture of coriander and bois de rose. Clean and delicate-smelling, the odor of ho leaf has very few notes of camphor (if any), instead possessing a much stronger affinity towards pure linalool. In fragrance, ho leaf oil is used in a multitude of different perfumes, particularly those which include other sweet or floral ingredients. The oil’s high versatility, combined with its pleasant odor and high mixability, makes it a staple product among soaps, detergents, and other commercial fragrances.





Refractive Index

1.4570 - 1.4690 @ 20C

Specific Gravity

0.8500 - 0.8700 @ 25C



map map-marker


Colorless Liquid

Part of Plant


Extraction Method


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Ho Leaf Oil

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