Jasmin Absolute Grandiflorum
Latest Market Information on Jasmin Absolute Grandiflorum
Jul 16th, 2024
The season for jasmine grandiflorum in India was delayed by 3-4 weeks this year, mainly due to disruptive climate conditions that occurred from January to April 2024. Rainfall was nonexistent during this period, and temperatures increased significantly at-source. As a result, many farmers were unable to maintain their jasmine fields at the same rate as previous years, with common practices such as the application of fertilizer being delayed well into the season. Rainfall has since normalized in India, though overall flower productivity has declined by approximately 15% this year due to the delays. Moving forward, prices for jasmine grandiflorum have the potential to increase as a result of this decline in productivity, as well as the increasing wages for laborers across all jasmine cultivation regions.
Description of Jasmin Absolute Grandiflorum
Jasmin Absolute Grandiflorum is derived from the Jasminum grandiflorum flower, also known as the “Spanish Jasmine” or “Royal Jasmine.” This variety of jasmine is native to Africa, South Asia, and the Arabian Peninsula, but has since been introduced to many regions throughout Indonesia, South America, and the Caribbean. The aroma of Jasmin Absolute Grandiflorum is rich, warm, and floral – the complexity of the extract, combined with its richness and tenacity, makes it one of the most gorgeous aromatics across the entire flavor and fragrance industry. As time goes on, the odor transitions into herbaceous, waxy, somewhat tea-like undertones that retain a honeyed sweetness throughout the entire dry down process. In fine fragrance, Jasmin Absolute Grandiflorum works well in almost any sweet or floral composition including rose, bergamot, and frankincense.