Lavender Oil Spike HEADER

Lavender Oil Spike

Lavandula latifolia medik
17717717716716716716716716716716716716716716716789156.25156.251041041041041041041041049191919191919191919191919191Q1 15Q2 15Q3 15Q4 15Q1 16Q2 16Q3 16Q4 16Q1 17Q2 17Q3 17Q4 17Q1 18Q2 18Q3 18Q4 18Q1 19Q2 19Q3 19Q4 19Q1 20Q2 20Q3 20Q4 20Q1 21Q2-21Q3-21Q4-21Q1-22Q2-22Q3-22Q4-22Q1-23Q2-23Q3-23Q4-23Q1-24Q2-24Q3-24Q4-24Q1-25050100150$USD/ kg.Lavender Oil Spike

Description of Lavender Oil Spike

Steam-distilled from the fresh flowers of the Lavandula latifolia plant, Lavender Oil Spike is is native to the western Mediterranean, originally produced in Portugal and Spain. The oil’s aroma is stronger than traditional lavender types, with a pungent and camphoraceous top note that differentiates spike lavender from its more delicate counterparts. The plant’s hardiness and resistance to disease makes it much more durable for farmers, and spike lavender was eventually crossbred with mountain lavender to create the hybrid plant “lavandin abrialis.” In perfumery, lavender oil spike is mainly used for its high linalool content, imparting a floral and herbaceous odor with sweet, somewhat woody undertones. It blends well with other floral or herbal ingredients, including patchouli, rosemary, and geraniol.





Part of Plant


Extraction Method

Steam Distillation

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Lavender Oil Spike

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