Lime Oil Distilled Peru
Latest Market Information on Lime Oil Distilled Peru
Sep 10th, 2024
The next Peruvian crop season is scheduled to begin in November or December of 2024. This crop is currently looking stable, and prices are expected to ease in comparison to last year, though its stability depends on whether Mexico experiences any difficulties that would affect its lime supply.
Description of Lime Oil Distilled Peru
Lime Oil Distilled Peru is derived from the fragrant peels of the Citrus aurantifolia fruit, more commonly known as “key limes.” The essential oil has a zesty and refreshing aroma, with a sharp fruitiness that carries the unmistakable profile of freshly scratched lime peel. Distilled lime oil is used across a wide range of products and industries, from canned foods to fine fragrances, making it an exceptionally versatile material for use in both flavor and fragrance.
Refractive Index
1.4740 - 1.4770 @ 20C
Specific Gravity
0.8550 - 0.8630 @ 25C
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