Mate Verte Absolute HEADER

Mate Verte Absolute

910910910910910910910910105010501050105010751075107510751075107510751075107510751075107510751075107510751075107510751075121012101210Q3 16Q4 16Q1 17Q2 17Q3 17Q4 17Q1 18Q2 18Q3 18Q4 18Q1 19Q2 19Q3 19Q4 19Q1 20Q2 20Q3 20Q4 20Q1 21Q2-21Q3-21Q4-21Q1-22Q2-22Q3-22Q4-22Q1-23Q2-23Q3-23Q4-23Q1-24Q2-24Q3-24Q4-24Q1-2502004006008001,0001,200$USD/ kg.Mate Verte Absolute

Description of Mate Verte Absolute

Maté Verte Absolute is prepared via solvent extraction of Ilex paraguariensis leaves, a wild-growing South American tree. In traditional use, these leaves are brewed to make a special tea enjoyed by the inhabitants of Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil. The aroma of Mate Verte Absolute is rich and herbal, with a strong tea-like character that provides an appealing top note. This odor makes Mate Verte extremely useful within tea and jasmine compositions, providing a leafy and herbaceous contrast to floral and green fragrance.



map map-marker


Dark Brown-Green Viscous Resin

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Mate Verte Absolute

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