Nana Spearmint Oil Maroc HEADER

Nana Spearmint Oil Maroc

135135135135135135135135135135135135135Q1-22Q2-22Q3-22Q4-22Q1-23Q2-23Q3-23Q4-23Q1-24Q2-24Q3-24Q4-24Q1-25020406080100120140$USD/ kg.Nana Spearmint Oil Maroc

Description of Nana Spearmint Oil Maroc

Nana Spearmint Oil Maroc is steam-distilled from a unique cultivar of the Mentha spicata botanical – a species of mint native to the Mediterranean. The name “Nana” is derived from the Arabic word for “mint,” reflecting this material’s origins in North Africa, where it has been grown and harvested for centuries. Nana Mint is particularly important in Morocco, where the herb plays an integral role in traditional Moroccan mint tea, known locally as “Atay Bi Nana.” The aroma and flavor of Nana Spearmint Oil Maroc is often considered sweeter and more delicate than other varieties of mint, making it a popular inclusion in teas, beverages, deserts, and certain savory dishes. In fragrance, Nana Spearmint Oil Maroc imparts a warm, green, and herbaceous aroma that is extremely appealing when paired with herbal or floral profiles.





map map-marker

Part of Plant


Extraction Method

Hydro Distillation

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Nana Spearmint Oil Maroc

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