Orange Oil 5x HEADER

Orange Oil 5x

16.6016.6020.3027.1022.6019.8019.4026.6026.6026.6022.6022.60232323232321.7016.7018.1015.4015.4018.1018.1018.5020.3020.3043.3044.60606068737373737878787878Q1 15Q2 15Q3 15Q4 15Q1 16Q2 16Q3 16Q4 16Q1 17Q2 17Q3 17Q4 17Q1 18Q2 18Q3 18Q4 18Q1 19Q2 19Q3 19Q4 19Q1 20Q2 20Q3 20Q4 20Q1 21Q2-21Q3-21Q4-21Q1-22Q2-22Q3-22Q4-22Q1-23Q2-23Q3-23Q4-23Q1-24Q2-24Q3-24Q4-24Q1-25020406080$USD/ kg.Orange Oil 5x

Description of Orange Oil 5x

Orange Oil 5x is a folded citrus oil that concentrates the aromatic properties of orange oil into a much more potent form. The folding process results in an oil that is much more aldehydic and “peely,” strongly reminiscent of fresh oranges. Orange oil 5x also benefits from increased solubility due to the reduced number of terpenes within the material. Within flavor, folded orange oil is heavily used for beverages and candies; products in which solubility and high-impact top notes are particularly important. Orange oil 5x also finds use in fragrance when blended with similar terpeneless citrus oils, imparting a refreshing and zesty aroma.

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Orange Oil 5x

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