Parsley Leaf Oil
Description of Parsley Leaf Oil
Also known as “Parsley Leaf Oil,” Parsley Herb Oil is steam-distilled from the flowering tops of the Petroselinum crispum plant. Parsley is native to the Mediterranean, with historical use dating back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. The herb oil’s aroma retains much of parsley’s familiar freshness, though it also has a unique “soapy” and aldehydic top note. Similar to the seed, parsley herb oil is frequently used in seasoning blends, though the aldehydic notes are also popular in small quantities within citrus and floral fragrances.
Refractive Index
1.5030 - 1.5600 @ 20C
Specific Gravity
0.9080 - 0.9400 @ 25C
Pale Yellow Liquid
Part of Plant
Extraction Method
Steam Distillation
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