Sandalwood Oil Sri Lanka HEADER

Sandalwood Oil Sri Lanka

Santalum spicata
255025502550255025502550255025502550255025502550255025502550255025502550255025502550255023002300230023002300230023002300230023002300230023002300230023002300Q3 15Q4 15Q1 16Q2 16Q3 16Q4 16Q1 17Q2 17Q3 17Q4 17Q1 18Q2 18Q3 18Q4 18Q1 19Q2 19Q3 19Q4 19Q1 20Q2 20Q3 20Q4 20Q1 21Q2-21Q3-21Q4-21Q1-22Q2-22Q3-22Q4-22Q1-23Q2-23Q3-23Q4-23Q1-24Q2-24Q3-24Q4-24Q1-2505001,0001,5002,0002,500$USD/ kg.Sandalwood Oil Sri Lanka

Description of Sandalwood Oil Sri Lanka

The original source of sandalwood and its many derivative products, Sri Lanka (previously known as Ceylon) has been producing Sandalwood Oil for over 4000 years. As one of the oldest ingredients in the perfume industry, Sri Lankan sandalwood has appeared in a variety of fragrance blends, from Oriental floral accords to the unique Indian “attars.” Sri Lankan sandalwood oil has a sweet, woody, and balsamic aroma, with incredible tenacity and a unique animal-like undertone. This aromatic complexity has carried sandalwood oil’s reputation throughout the centuries, solidifying it as one of the core components of fine fragrance.





Refractive Index

1.5000 - 1.5100 @ 20C

Specific Gravity

0.9650 - 0.9800 @ 25C


Sri Lanka

map map-marker


Pale Yellow Liquid

Part of Plant


Extraction Method


All scientific, regulatory and technical data is a guide for product identification purposes only. Only Berjé authorized documentation is to be used for validation and confirmation. These documents can be provided upon request.

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Sandalwood Oil Sri Lanka

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