Rose Oil Bulgarian HEADER

Product Updates

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Rose Oil Bulgarian

Product Update
13th June 2024

The rose harvest in Bulgaria has ended. Despite the extremely early start to the rose season, flower productivity in Bulgaria seemed to be quite strong in 2024, with yields per hectare improving year-over-year. Many farmers have made renewed efforts to improve their fields and the […]

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Rose Oil Turkish

Product Update
13th June 2024

As of 2024, new government programs in Turkey were instituted to guarantee higher payments for all rose growers and rose pickers. This has significantly increased the cost of Turkish rose products, and new prices for Rose Oil Turkish are approximately 30% higher than previous seasons. […]

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Vetiver Oil Haiti

Product Update
4th June 2024

Infrastructure within Haiti can finally support new exports of Vetiver Oil. Berjé expects new supply to enter the market over the coming months.

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Vetiver Oil Haiti, M.D.

Product Update
4th June 2024

Infrastructure within Haiti can finally support new exports of Vetiver Oil. Berjé expects new supply to enter the market over the coming months.

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Vetiver Oil Haiti

Product Update
28th May 2024

Our partners in Haiti are optimistic that the nation’s airports will re-open soon. This will allow new Vetiver Oil stocks to arrive over the coming months, though supply will likely be limited due to various factors at-source.

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Vetiver Oil Haiti, M.D.

Product Update
28th May 2024

Our partners in Haiti are optimistic that the nation’s airports will re-open soon. This will allow new Vetiver Oil stocks to arrive over the coming months, though supply will likely be limited due to various factors at-source.

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Citronella Oils

Product Update
28th May 2024

Prices for Citronella Oil have risen in recent weeks.

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Lemon Oil Argentina

Product Update
24th May 2024

The Argentina lemon season is currently underway, with total harvest figures estimated at around 1.65 million metric tons. Due to extreme weather and heat waves within the region, production estimates were lowered from their previous forecast of 1.77 million metric tons. There is also a […]

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Orange Oil Midseason

Product Update
24th May 2024

Orange growers in Brazil estimate a 24.36% reduction in productivity when compared to the previous orange season. This decline in productivity is attributed to less rainfall, higher temperatures, and the continued threat of citrus greening within key producing regions. Recent blooms have also occurred during […]

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Orange Oil Midseason

Product Update
24th May 2024

Mexico is estimated to produce approximately 5 million metric tons of orange fruit in the 2023/2024 season, which is a sizeable increase compared to previous seasons. This boost in productivity comes at a crucial time in the global orange market, as Brazil’s productivity has been […]

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Lime Oil Distilled Peru

Product Update
24th May 2024

Peru produces approximately 400,000 MT of limes each year, with around 50% of this production allocated for use within its domestic market. The current crop season is expended to conclude over the next few weeks, with the next season scheduled to begin sometime in early […]

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Lime Oil Mexican CP Type A

Product Update
24th May 2024

Mexico produces an average of 5 million tons of limes each year, though only around 10% of that production goes towards processing. High prices for fresh fruit and consistent increases in consumer demand for lime products have caused a sharp increase in the cost of […]

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Lime Oil Mexican CP Type B

Product Update
24th May 2024

Mexico produces an average of 5 million tons of limes each year, though only around 10% of that production goes towards processing. High prices for fresh fruit and consistent increases in consumer demand for lime products have caused a sharp increase in the cost of […]

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Grapefruit Oil Distilled

Product Update
24th May 2024

The USDA grapefruit forecast published on May 10 indicated a total harvest of 1.8 million boxes for the USA. Of this total, around 1.55 million boxes were allocated to red grapefruit, with the remaining 250,000 allocated for white. This represents a 10% decline from previous […]

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Grapefruit Oil White C.P. (0.2% Noot)

Product Update
24th May 2024

The USDA grapefruit forecast published on May 10 indicated a total harvest of 1.8 million boxes for the USA. Of this total, around 1.55 million boxes were allocated to red grapefruit, with the remaining 250,000 allocated for white. This represents a 10% decline from previous […]

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Grapefruit Oil Pink C.P. (0.2% Noot)

Product Update
24th May 2024

The USDA grapefruit forecast published on May 10 indicated a total harvest of 1.8 million boxes for the USA. Of this total, around 1.55 million boxes were allocated to red grapefruit, with the remaining 250,000 allocated for white. This represents a 10% decline from previous […]

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Tangerine Oil Dancy C.P.

Product Update
24th May 2024

Mexico is the main producer of Tangerine Oil Dancy, with key producers located in Puebla, Veracruz, and Nuevo Leon. It is currently too early to accurately predict the nation’s tangerine production for the upcoming season, though weather will play a key role within this market. […]

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Lime Oil Distilled Mexican

Product Update
24th May 2024

Mexico produces an average of 5 million tons of limes each year, though only around 10% of that production goes towards processing. High prices for fresh fruit and consistent increases in consumer demand for lime products have caused a sharp increase in the cost of […]

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Balsam Peru

Product Update
30th May 2023

Harvests in Peru were delayed due to continuous rainfall washing the balsam from trees. Local harvesters are now reporting a crop that is approximately 50% shorter than last year.

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